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Upper Body Weight Training

Spartan Health
and Fitness Program
The best weight training exercises for upper body.
Upper body training offers strength, tone and definition that promotes good posture for exercise participants. To better assist you with creating an effective upper body routine, we have provided the following list of exercises and explanations:
Overhead Press (works mid-shoulder muscles): Using freeweights, bring weights to shoulder level with palms facing away from body. Slowly lift weights overhead and then slowly return weights to shoulder level. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Side Lateral Raises (works rear shoulder muscles): Place a freeweight in each hand, arms at side. Slowly extend arms to sides of the body, stopping when they reach shoulder level. Slowly return arms to sides. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Upright Rows (works rear shoulder muscles): Place freeweight in each hand with palms facing your thighs. Slowly lift both weights simultaneously to your chest then return to front of thighs. Repeat exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Front Shoulder Raises (works front shoulder area): With freeweights in each hand, arms at side, lift arm up to shoulder level (palms facing down), alternate lift on either side or lift both arms simultaneously (to shoulder level). Then slowly lower arms back to side. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
One Arm Row (works muscles of upper and lower back): You may perform this exercise using a chair or standing.
Chair Method: With a chair in front of you, stand with one leg in front of the other (as if you were going to run a foot race). Place one hand on the back of the chair for balance, bend at waist, extend opposite arm toward the floor (with freeweight in hand), hand and weight should be facing inward (toward your body). Slowly lift weight with elbow stopping at shoulder level, then slowly lower weight to beginning position. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Standing Method: Stand with one leg in front of the other (as if you were going to run a foot race). Lean forward (at waist), then place your hand on the top of your thigh to balance your self, extend the opposite arm toward the floor (with freeweight in hand held and weight should be facing inward toward your body). Slowly lift weight with elbow stopping at shoulder level, then slowly lower weight to beginning position. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Reverse Fly (works the Rhomboids or muscles of the upper-mid back): This exercise can be performed seated or standing.
Seated Method: While seated in a chair or on a flat bench, bend at the waist with head and eyes facing the floor, place freeweights in each hand (knuckles facing forward, palms facing behind you). Slowly raise arms to the side (elbows slightly bent), as you squeeze your shoulder blades together, slowly lower the weights and repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Standing Method: Standing with knees slightly bent, bend at waist (head and eyes facing floor), place free weights in each hand (knuckles facing forward, palms facing behind you). Slowly raise arms to the side (elbows slightly bent), as you squeeze your shoulder blades together, slowly lower the weights and repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Pushups (works muscles of the chest, upper back, and triceps): From prone (face down) position, use hands and feet or knees to assist you in lifting and lowering your body toward and away from the floor. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of the desired amount of repetitions.
Overhead Extensions (works muscles of the lower back - Latisimus Dorsi): Lying on the floor (facing the ceiling), place one dumbbell in both hands (holding the weight at the bell), lift weight above the chest (with elbows slightly bent). Slowly extend weight overhead then return to chest level. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of the desired amount of repetitions.
Biceps Curls (works biceps muscles of the upper arm): Place freeweights in each hand (with hands at sides palms facing away from the body), hold arms close to body and slowly lift weights toward you, then slowly lower away. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of your desired amount of repetitions.
Triceps Extensions (works muscles of the rear upper arm): This exercise can be performed standing or seated.
Standing Method: Place one foot in front of the other (as if you are preparing to run a race), place hand on top of thigh or on the back of a straight chair bring weight to chest level then extend arm behind the body (until elbow straightens). Return arm to chest level and repeat for the desired amount or sets and repetitions.
Seated Method: Sit in a straight back chair or on a bench, place one arm on chair at your side holding the chair for support, extend the other arm overhead (toward the ceiling, with elbow slightly bent). Slowly lower the extended arm behind your head, then slowly lift that arm above the head until the elbow locks at full extension. Repeat this movement for the desired number of sets and repetitions.
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This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of health and fitness.
The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.
Any of this advice should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.