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Spartan Running Workout

Spartan Health
and Fitness Program
Try the spartan run workout routine.
The Spartan running workout has proven to be very popular and there is no doubt that it has proven itself to be extremely effective. It is all about interval training or what Sports Scientists call Fartlek training.
The process is not complicated but takes a lot of work as the program works by going from your run to the exercise section of the workout without any rest at all. What this means is high intensity, which has been proven to be very effective in getting the results that you are looking for.
It all starts with a jog, which should not be a sprint as you are going to be training this program solidly without stopping for about 20 to 25 minutes. The distance you should run should be a measured distance of 0.35 miles at a moderate pace that you should take you just over two minutes to complete.
You are then going directly into 25 push-ups without stopping and once these push-ups have been completed you immediately go into the second set of 25 low-squats. You are then, without stopping to rest, going to the next movement, which is 25 cross-legged sit-ups.
After this first set of doing the Spartan running workout you are then going back to the run. Now you are starting to get tired and you should try and run the next 0.35 miles as fast as you can and complete it in about 2 minutes. If you are already fit then slow down so that you can do another set or two.
After completing the run you then get down to do 20 push-ups without stopping for a rest. You then go directly into 20 low squats as well as 20 cross-legged sit-ups. After the second set you are really starting to huff and puff so you will need to make extra effort.
The third set again involves the 0.35 mile run but this time you are pushing yourself and trying to beat the time that you completed this distance in the previous sets. Without stopping for a rest after your run you then get down to 15 push-ups.
The 15 push-ups are immediately followed by 15 low squats and 15 cross-legged sit-ups. The final ending of your Spartan running workout should end with the last 0.35 mile run which should be done with a maximum effort. If you are not fit then training this program will quickly get you fit and strong and also burn a lot of calories all within a half hour intense workout.
For more information checkout the Spartan Fitness and Health Program
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This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of health and fitness.
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