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Spartan Ab Workout

Spartan Health
and Fitness Program
300 Spartan ab workout routine.
Although the 300 Spartan ab workout comes from the famous movie about how 300 highly trained and extremely fit Spartans destroyed 10,000 Persians, it quickly became a subculture and a trend to train the Spartan way. Below is a sample what has been published as the Spartan 300 ab workout.
However it should be known that the principal of the 300 workout is basically interval training which can be adapted to any and all exercises because the objective is all about intensity. It is important to know that the exercises listed below are just a few examples of the types of movements that can be used in combination.
The exercises below are all done without any rest between the sets and reps that you do. You are simply moving from the one movement to the next movement without resting. The total ab workout should take 20 minutes but it can easily be extended or even repeated.
The most important part is that all these movements attack the abs from a different direction. This means that you will be working all the interconnecting muscles as well as the oblique's and the lower and upper abdominal muscles as well.
1. Plank Touches (x20)
2. Bicycle & Rotates (x40)
3. Russian Twists (x30)
4. Spider Crawls (x20)
5. Scissor Kicks (x30)
6. Squat Thrusts (x30)
7. V-Situps (x25)
8. Side-Ups (x20/side)
9. 1-Legged Hip Bridges (x15/side)
10. Mountain Climbers (x45)
This workout takes about 20 minutes to complete but there are two things that need to be considered. The first is that this abs workout is more than likely something that you are doing over and above a normal workout. The second consideration is that this is only one example of the variations that can be added to an effective ab workout and more can be added.
For more information checkout the Spartan Fitness and Health Program
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