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Health Nutrition

Spartan Health
and Fitness Program
Learn about nutrition for good health.
It does not matter how hard or how often you train if you do not eat correctly you will simply be wasting your time training for good health. The old adage "you are what you eat" is the truth about achieving good health. You can only achieve good health if you eat correctly.
So what is eating correctly and what are the golden rules when eating correctly to achieve good health. Without getting too complicated the bottom line is the condition of your liver as it is directly proportional to the condition of your general health and what goes on inside your body.
Eating correctly means that you are eating in a way that is constantly speeding up the cleaning process which is the job of your liver. Your liver is not only responsible for fat metabolism and detoxification but is directly linked to the constantly cleaning of your blood.
Eating correctly means speeding up your metabolism in order to get your BMR (basic metabolic rate) to run as fast as possible. The best way to start doing this is to make sure that you are eating at least 5 times a day. These five small meals that you have should be well balanced with the correct ingredients.
These ingredients are protein, carbohydrates and fats and getting the correct mixture of these is not a complicated process if a few golden rules are followed. Probably the most important of these rules is to avoid eating calorie dense foods like junk foods.
The second golden rule is best described by quoting the Institute of Optimum Nutrition which states that a human being is made up of roughly 63 percent water, 22 percent protein, 13 percent fat and 2 percent minerals and vitamins. If we are to maintain this optimum health then we need to consume that daily.
Calories are used every minute by our bodies in order to keep going even when we sleep we are burning calories. But nutrition or optimal nutrition is not about counting calories as much as counting the quality of those calories. This means the way that food is prepared.
The best way to demonstrate this is by comparing the difference between a fried egg and a boiled egg. When an egg is boiled it has 70 calories in it and when it is fried in oil or butter it is 230 calories. Just knowing this simple fact should help you a lot in planning your meals and avoiding any and all junk foods.
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This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of health and fitness.
The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.
Any of this advice should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.